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GAIKERek bere web-orri berria estreinatzen du

El Centro Tecnológico GAIKER, miembro de Basque Research &Technology Alliance, BRTA, reafirma su apuesta por…

Hondakin plastikoen balorizazioa compounding bidez

Propietate zehatzak dituzten polimeroak lortzeko eta material birziklatuak balorizatzeko compounding teknologia GAIKERen propietate zehatzak dituzten…

GAIKER IFAT 2024an egongo da

Aclima, Basque Environment Clusterreko beste kide batzuekin batera, GAIKERek ingurumen teknologiaren arloan dituen zerbitzu aurreratuak…

Ikusmen hiperespektrala eraikuntzako eta eraispeneko hondakinak sailkatzeko

ICEBERG europar proiektuak ikusmen hiperespektrala eraikuntzako eta eraispeneko hondakinak automatikoki sailkatzeko eragiketa konplexuak egiteko bideragarria…

PREBIO2 proiektua: Bioplastiko jasangarriak garatzeko berrikuntza

CO2 emisioak eta biomasa polimero biodegradagarri eta berriztagarri berriak ekoizteko. Plastikoek funtsezko zeregina dute gizarte…

Automobilentzako bateria-kutxa arin eta seguru berriak garatzea

FENICE proiektu europarrak birziklatu daitezkeen, arinak diren eta suarekiko erresistentzia ona duten baterien kutxak garatzea…

GAIKER launches its new website

El Centro Tecnológico GAIKER, miembro de Basque Research &Technology Alliance, BRTA, reafirma su apuesta por […]

Recovery of plastic waste through compounding

Compounding technology to obtain polymers with specific properties and to recover recycled materials At GAIKER, […]


Along with other partners of Aclima, Basque Environment Cluster, GAIKER aims to raise awareness of […]

Hyperspectral imaging to sort construction and demolition waste

The European ICEBERG project has ended with the demonstration of the feasibility of hyperspectral imaging […]

PREBIO2 Project: Innovation for the development of sustainable bioplastics

CO2 emissions and biomass to produce new biodegradable and renewable polymers. Plastic plays an essential […]

Development of new lighter and safer battery boxes for vehicles

The European FENICE project aims to develop battery boxes that are recyclable, lightweight and fire […]

We lead the NEOPLAST 2 project to generate valuable products through the chemical recycling of plastic waste.

The NEOPLAST2 project is researching the basis to provide the Basque industrial sector with ways […]

Development of new materials and processes for water treatment

The SMYRNA project seeks to unite technological synergies and capabilities to keep Basque industry competitive […]

Presence at in-cosmetics Global

A new edition of in-cosmetics Global will be held in Paris from 16th to 18th […]

GAIKER, ZORROZA GESTIÓN S.L. and PETRONOR obtain pyrolysis oils from waste plastic

With the Plastic2Plastic project, pyrolysis oils have been obtained from plastic waste for use as […]

Development of bio-waste improvers to reverse soil degradation

The European SOILUTIONS project will validate and optimise four value chains to produce at least […]

DIGITAP Project, implementation of digital twins to improve the integrated management of urban water supply systems

Supported by the development of technological tools, the DIGITAP project aims to monitor, prevent and […]