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Urte berri on

Gabon zoriontsuak!

GAIKER material aurreratuen eragina ebaluatzeko tresna garatzen ari da

SUNRISE proiektuak material aurreratu seguruagoak eta jasangarriagoak garatzen lagunduko du

Konposite jasangarrien instalazio pilotuak

Material konposatuen prozesaketa ikertzeko instalazio pilotuak ditugu.

ECORES WIND proiektuaren aurkezpen ofiziala Bilbon

2024ko irailaren 18an eta 19an ECORES WIND eguneratzeko bilera egin zen Zamudioko Euskadiko Parke Teknologikoan…

GAIKER Cosmetorium-en

GAIKER aurten ere joango da kosmetika industriak Espainian duen urteroko deialdi nagusira, Cosmetorium-era

Diciembre 2024

Herramientas para medir la sostenibilidad. Sistemas de resinas sostenibles.

Happy New Year

We wish you a Merry Christmas!
11-12 | 02 | 2025

Cálculo del ciclo de inyección y su valoración económica

Valorar con mayor precisión el ciclo de inyección en su fase de cotización, minimizando la probabilidad de [...]

Conceptos clave del proceso de inyección y selección de materiales plásticos

Dar a conocer los conceptos básicos que intervienen en el proceso de inyección. Proporcionar un [...]

GAIKER collaborates in developing a tool to assess the impact of advanced materials

The SUNRISE project will support the development of safer, more sustainable advanced materials.

Pilot plants for sustainable composites

Gaiker has pilot plants to research the processing of composite materials.

ECORES WIND Project Officially Launches in Bilbao

The kick-off meeting of ECORES WIND, an ambitious European initiative aiming to contribute to the […]

GAIKER at Cosmetorium

For yet another year, GAIKER will attend Spain’s leading annual event of the cosmetics industry, Cosmetorium.

September 2024

Protection and restoration of marine ecosystems End-of-life treatment of lithium-ion batteries [...]

14th edition of the Conference on “Innovation in Plastic Materials and Technologies”

New edition of this conference aimed at plastic processing companies.

Technologies for the integration of an ultra-efficient fuselage for short and medium-range aircraft

The European FASTER H2 project aims to foster climate neutrality in the aviation sector