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Estrategias y vías para impulsar la bioeconomía en las regiones de la UE: Bioeconomía en el País Vasco

Bienvenid@ a la 5ª mesa redonda de FRACTION

10/11/2023  The Roundtable is organized as part of the EU-BBI funded project FRACTION; The aim of the project is to develop a catalytic pathway to valorize biomasses from forests and agriculture to produce compounds that can be used for construction materials, paper and cardboard, bio-plastic and, fine chemicals including food ingredients. The purpose of the international Roundtable is to encourage discussions and knowledge sharing about bioeconomy, connecting research with industry, promote innovation, and discuss pathways for enabling bioeconomy with a focus on the Basque region and Spain. This way, the event will support the exploitation work in the FRACTION project.
The Roundtable will address challenges and opportunities for taking new technology from research to industry with special attention to fractionation technology, lignocellulosic biomasses, and applications To better understand how to bridge the gap from research to uptake of new technologies, the Roundtable will bring together stakeholders from industry, technology providers, researchers, and other bodies that may play a role for uptake of new technologies in the North Spanish bioeconomy.
The Roundtable will feature keynote speakers and provides room for discussion with stakeholders involved in the North Spanish bioeconomy. By attending the event, you have an opportunity to participate in the European dialogue to promote the transition to a bioeconomy, and to extend your network to Spanish and European stakeholders. Please register before Nov 24, 2023, here. The event is free of charge.

info:  Clara Bilbao,

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