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Industrial processes mediated by micro-organisms

We work on the implementation, optimisation and study of different microbial processes of interest to industry. These processes include:

  • Fermentation
  • Biocementation
  • Biocorrosion
  • Generation of bioplastics
  • Processes related to green chemistry (biosurfactants, biodetergence, etc.)
  • Biological water purification processes
  • Treatment of contaminated soils and industrial waste by micro-organisms (bioremediation)

We also carry out diagnostic work, isolation and control of microbial contaminants in industrial processes for various sectors (food, cosmetics and personal hygiene companies), as well as studies to control the development of microbial biofilm in installations or liquid flow conduction systems and evaluating antibiofilm treatments in order to guarantee the proper hygiene of the installations.

Finally, at GAIKER, we propose advanced measures to reinforce the routine quality and safety controls of industrial facilities:

  • We identify points in the installation that could be a source of pathogenic contamination.
  • We study the pathogen in the form of a biofilm in the laboratory.
  • We verify and improve anti- isolated pathogen cleaning and disinfection processes.

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