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Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy of FUNDACIÓN GAIKER (hereinafter referred to as GAIKER), holder of Spanish Tax ID Number (CIF) G-48870380, regulates the use of the website, which GAIKER makes available to those individuals who access the site, in order to provide them with information on activities, products and services, including those provided by GAIKER and/or third parties, and provide access to them.

Address: Parque Tecnológico, Ed. 202 48.170 – Zamudio – Bizkaia – Spain
Telephone: 0034 94 6002323
Data Protection Officer: DPO Contact:

At GAIKER, we handle the information which is provided to us by the persons concerned in order to manage the transmission of the information which is requested from us, and to provide the parties concerned with offers for our products and services in which they may be interested.

In order to offer the persons concerned the best possible experience, we create a commercial profile based on the information requested. No automated measures shall be implemented on the basis of said profile.

The personal information that is provided will be kept as long as the person concerned does not request its deletion.

The legal grounds for handling your personal data are based on the informed consent you are asked to give; only if you accept this consent in the affirmative shall we be legally entitled to use your information. The withdrawal of this consent may be performed as explained in the section titled “What are your rights when you provide us with your personal data?”.

The information of the parties concerned will not be provided to any other companies or organisations, and we have no future plans to perform such transmissions.

GAIKER contracts its e-mailing service to the company Mailchimp (The Rocket Science Group LLC) to carry out its commercial campaigns, under the aegis of the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement, of which it is a certified member.

Mailchimp participates in and has certified its conformity with the legal framework of the Privacy Shield, and it is committed to handling all of the personal information received from EU member countries in accordance with the applicable principles of the Privacy Shield framework.


  • The information of the parties concerned will not be provided to any other companies or organisations, and we have no future plans to perform such transmissions.
  • Access to personal data. Any person is entitled to be given confirmation telling them whether we at GAIKER are processing personal data which concerns them.
  • Correction. The persons concerned are entitled to access this personal data, as well as to request the correction of any inaccurate information or, where appropriate, ask for its deletion when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, as well as other reasons.
  • Limitation on processing. Under certain circumstances, the parties concerned may request a limitation on the processing of their data, in which case we shall only keep it in order to execute or defend ourselves from claims.
  • Deletion (right to be forgotten). As part of the right to access the person’s data, it is possible to request that said data be deleted.
  • Data portability. The persons concerned may request a copy of the data processed by GAIKER.
  • Opposition. The persons concerned may oppose the processing of the personal data which GAIKER is handling.

In order to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, GAIKER provides an e-mail address:, which it uses to deal with any requests by the legally required deadlines.

All of the personal data which GAIKER is in possession of has been obtained directly from the persons concerned.

The information collected through the forms appearing on the website is protected by the Regulation for implementation of the new European General Data Protection Law (GDPR), and entering personal data into the website is completely voluntary and requires that you give express, unequivocal, affirmative consent.

GAIKER has adopted the legally required security levels for the protection of personal data , as well as having implemented those measures and technical means necessary to protect the data and prevent any loss, alteration, undue use, unauthorised access or theft of the personal data. The information collected through this website shall in no case be assigned to third parties.

Website users may exercise their rights to access, correct, delete and oppose to the data by sending us a request by e-mail at Within a brief period of time, we will contact you to provide you with a way to exercise any of your rights in a simple manner and at no expense whatsoever.