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Guidance on materials and manufacturing processes for composite parts

The aim is to help the customer produce a composite part by evaluating the best suitable material and process, taking into account the design, production rates, as well as economic and environmental aspects.

GAIKER’s knowledge and experience of composites and their transformation processes enables us to determine the ideal manufacturing process, as well as to select the most suitable material for a specific application or, if necessary, determine the process carried out and even the composition of an existing part by means of reverse engineering analytical techniques.

The availability of pilot plants and our experience in these processes enable us to anticipate potential problems or difficulties to be overcome when fine-tuning the production of the part in question.

The Service consists of:

  • Guidance on product improvement: design, finite element analysis and material selection according to specifications
  • Technical-economic evaluation aimed at defining the most suitable process to produce a composite part
  • Pre-series production in our pilot plants (compression, RTM, infusion, pultrusion, filament winding, SMC, resin casting)
  • Validation tests of the materials and finished product. polymers

Would you like to talk to an expert?

Juan Ramón Alonso

Sustainable Composites & Functional Polymers Market Manager