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Clara Bilbao

The SEPARA project lays the technological foundations for the digital transformation of the waste recovery sector

GAIKER collaborated in creating new technological knowledge to lay the foundations for the smart digital transformation of the model for managing and processing light packaging waste

The SEPARA project “Technological transformation of the waste recovery sector to drive an effective circular economy in Spanish industry”, in which the GAIKER Technology Centre, a member of the Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA) took part, was successfully completed after four years.

This research was carried out by a consortium of eight companies led by Ecoembes, an organisation that has promoted the recycling of plastic, metal, tetra pack, wood, paper and cardboard packaging in Spain since 1997. It obtained satisfactory results, achieving all the technical targets set and establishing a firm basis for future advances in the field of digitalising the sorting of waste. In this respect, smart systems have been incorporated at every stage of the process and a digital governance platform has been developed, which not only enables automated plant management, but also has the capacity to produce a wide range of outputs for stakeholders with different needs.

SEPARA is funded by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI by its Spanish acronym) in its aid programme for Strategic Sectoral Initiatives for Business Innovation (the CDTI Missions Programme). SEPARA was created with the aim of creating new knowledge aimed at laying the technological foundations for the smart digital transformation of light packaging waste sorting plants, in order to increase their efficiency and productivity.

To this end, advanced optical technologies, robotic systems, artificial intelligence algorithms and massive data processing systems have been researched, validated, and applied to waste collection, the sorting plant (real-time characterisation of incoming waste, triaging unwanted waste, sorting packaging and monitoring the quality of recovered materials) and to the interconnection of the collection-plant environment.

This research has contributed to expanding and modernising the sorting and recycling capacity of plastic packaging and, therefore, to reaching the target proposed by Directive (EU) 20185/852, whereby all plastic packaging should be recyclable by 2030.

Project partners
The SEPARA project has included the involvement of Ecoembes (project leader), Minsait, Atria Innovation, Pixelabs, Piperlab, Picvisa, SpectralGeo and Trienekens.

This project has received a grant from the CDTI as part of the aid programme for Strategic Sectoral Business Innovation Initiatives (the CDTI Missions Programme) under record number MIG-20201006.

GAIKER launches its new website

El Centro Tecnológico GAIKER, miembro de Basque Research &Technology Alliance, BRTA, reafirma su apuesta por la mejora continua, la innovación y creatividad con el lanzamiento de una nueva página web:

La nueva página, que ha entrado en funcionamiento hoy, dispone de información ampliada y actualizada sobre el Centro y tiene como finalidad acercar la oferta de I+D+i a empresas y administraciones.  

Web segura y de fácil navegación

Se trata de una web segura, con certificado SSL, para que el usuario pueda intercambiar información sin que sea interceptada ni modificada. Además, su diseño moderno y limpio está pensado para ofrecer una experiencia de usuario intuitiva y práctica, es decir, permite una navegación más sencilla y rápida. Es una página mucho más visual, accesible y se visualiza correctamente en cualquier dispositivo y navegador. 

Nuevas secciones

En lo relativo al contenido, su nueva estructura permite a los usuarios consultar fácilmente las últimas novedades del Centro, proyectos realizados y sus servicios y ensayos. Es interesante destacar su nuevo apartado “Soluciones para la industria”, donde el Centro presenta su oferta de I+D+i clasificada por sectores industriales, “Casos de éxito”, donde muestra retos a los que se ha enfrentado y soluciones personalizadas y adaptadas que ha dado a cada uno de ellos, además de opiniones de diferentes clientes (esta sección estará disponible próximamente) y “Compromiso”, donde se explica su compromiso con los retos de la sociedad (medio ambiente, igualdad de género, confidencialidad, seguridad y salud laboral y transparencia). Además, cuenta con otros interesantes apartados como Áreas de Conocimiento, Instalaciones y Equipamiento, Internacional, Quienes Somos, Talento, Actualidad y Contacto.

Con esta nueva web, GAIKER quiere, una vez más, ser cercano y accesible y para ello muestra, en todo momento, el contacto directo del personal experto de la organización.

¡Visita la web para descubrir todas las novedades por ti mismo!   

New technologies for storing and transporting hydrogen

The ONTZHI project is working on developing new materials for storing and transporting hydrogen gas and new methods for characterising the interaction of hydrogen with storage and transport infrastructure materials.

The GAIKER Technology Centre, a member of the Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA), is participating in the “Key technologies for storing and transporting hydrogen, ONTZHI” project, the aim of which is to research technologies and solutions for storing and transporting hydrogen that are safer, more compact, cost-effective and sustainable.

The European Union aims to achieve a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2023 and emission neutrality by 2050. The use of green hydrogen could be a solution, as it is a 100% clean energy source, which is energy efficient, produces no gases and the only waste it generates is water. But this requires safe, cost-effective storage and transportation on a large scale to ensure its economic competitiveness.

Hydrogen can currently be stored and transported as a gas under pressure in tanks and pipelines or as a liquid in cryogenic tanks, but due to its physico-chemical properties, which are quite different from those of other fuels, developing these technologies is difficult and advances in research are needed to develop infrastructures to make it possible to transport and store it.  

In order to respond to this situation, the ONTZHI project, which is financed by the Basque Government (ELKARTEK programme), was launched in 2023, in an attempt to find solutions for storing and transporting hydrogen, by developing new materials and strategies to protect materials from the degrading effect of hydrogen.

This project aims to improve the strength of the materials used to make tanks and pipes, reduce weight and cost, increase the safety and sustainability of storage and transport systems, and research and create knowledge on the limits of metallic materials in their interaction with hydrogen. As a result, two laboratory-scale demonstrators will be developed, one for hydrogen barrier coatings and the other for a Type IV H2 storage tank based on recyclable polymers, as well as a computational model that will be used to define and develop simplified characterisation methods.

GAIKER focuses its activity mainly on providing solutions for mobility tanks. It is working on designing and researching polymerisable thermoplastic materials on site with hydrogen barrier properties, for producing liners by rotational moulding and casings by filament winding for type IV hydrogen tanks, and designing and researching thermoplastic composites in tape format for producing casings with robotic tape winding technology.

ONTZHI aims to improve the scientific, technological and commercial positioning of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network (RVCTi by its Spanish acronym) and Basque companies in the hydrogen sector, particularly green hydrogen transport and storage technologies.

The project is subsidised by the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government (ELKARTEK 2023 Programme).

GAIKER registered as a Knowledge Transfer Office

R&D&I and knowledge transfer has boosted the creation of units dedicated to the transfer function, the so-called “Knowledge Transfer Offices” (KTOs).

The activity of KTOs should be geared towards building relationships between R&D&I knowledge creators and the industrial and social sector, and towards obtaining economic and social results from knowledge transfer.

GAIKER is committed to being part of this structure and has registered as a KTO with the aim of fostering technology transfer and dissemination, promoting R&D&I and communicating with the industrial and social environment.

KTO-GAIKER seeks to involve companies in the management and development of R&D as a tool for competitiveness and technological progress, by undertaking projects and encouraging participation in other activities that we carry out at the Centre.

Our functions include:

  • Protecting R&D&I results
  • Exploiting research results
  • Collaborative research with public and private entities, contracting R&D&I and technological services.
  • Promoting the creation of knowledge-based entities.
  • Disseminating knowledge socially.

Recovery of plastic waste through compounding

Compounding technology to obtain polymers with specific properties and to recover recycled materials

At GAIKER, we use compounding technology to obtain polymers with certain properties and to recover post-industrial, pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled materials.

We create chippings containing percentages of recycled material as more and more sectors require the incorporation of such materials in the raw materials for the manufacture of end products.

>> Further information


Along with other partners of Aclima, Basque Environment Cluster, GAIKER aims to raise awareness of its advanced services in environmental technology.

The GAIKER Technology Centre, member of the Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA), is part of the international mission of the Basque Environment Cluster at IFAT 2024, Europe’s leading trade fair for the environmental technology sector.

The activities programmed by Aclima for IFAT 2024 include its own showroom space inside the grouped stand.

Furthermore, within the framework of continuing to address the dissemination of environmental technologies that are an example of the efforts of the Basque environmental sector in the development of technical innovations and technologies that offer advanced environmental solutions (#BasqueGreenTech) for the challenges of the ecological transition, the "International capabilities of Basque companies in the environmental sector" conference will be held on Thursday 16th May at 10.30am.

The event will be held in Room A51-A52 Hall A4 of IFAT and will be attended by various representatives of the Basque public administration, as well as international speakers. After the institutional opening by the Basque Government and a brief speech by Olga Martín, Director General of Aclima, Basque Environment Cluster, it will be the turn of the block focused on companies. After a break, the day will continue with a presentation by Inken Carina, Senior Manager at BDI – Initiative Circular Economy of the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V. and the closing speech by Alexander Boto, Managing Director of Ihobe. In the afternoon, companies will take part in B2B sessions.

Aclima, Basque Environment Cluster

The Basque Environment Cluster has promoted this international mission, which has been joined by 21 of its partners, including GAIKER, whose destination is IFAT 2024, Europe’s leading trade fair and meeting point for the environmental technology sector, which will take place from 13th to 17th May in the German city of Munich. Stand Location: C3.147/246.

Aclima's international mission has received the backing of the Basque Government through the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment, the public companies Ihobe, Spri and BasqueTrade & Investment, as well as the support of Bizkaia Provincial Council and Gipuzkoa Provincial Council.