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Biodetection Technologies


GAIKER’s experience in the field of molecular biology enables us to develop fast, sensitive and low-cost detection technologies based on the use of molecular recognition markers for the development of biosensors integrated in Point of Test or Point of Care devices.

The aim of this line of research is to provide practical solutions to industry and the services sector to identify microorganisms, markers and clinical parameters, detect allergens and environmental pollutants, etc. We have extensive experience in the use of these tools in the field of human, animal and plant health, the environment and the safety and control of food processes in Industry 4.0.

Our two main lines of work include the development of portable tests based on lateral flow (rapid antigen test) technology that enables analytes to be detected on site by non-qualified personnel without the need for any equipment, and the development of point of test sensors and devices based on the amplification of specific genetic markers using ultra-rapid isothermal amplification techniques as alternatives to PCR. Biodetection devices developed on a laboratory scale are adapted for verification and use in the field.

Documentation: Development of biosensors for diagnostics, quality and safety

Major Projects


Development of biosensors of interest to the food industry: Development of electrochemical sensors on microfluidic platforms for the advanced genetic detection of Listeria monocytogenes. Selection and characterisation of biosensing molecules (aptamers), and development of strategies for the functionalisation of magnetoelastic sensors.

Subsidised by the Basque Government

Medicina personalizada

As part of the project's overall goal to develop diagnostic tools, GAIKER is involved in developing a portable system based on lateral flow technology to detect biomarkers of relevance in urine samples in the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Subsidised by the Basque Government


The project consists of developing a portable, easy-to-handle detector of indicators of environmental biological contamination, capable of giving a result in less than an hour, based on a novel genetic diagnostic technique. Once developed, the prototype will significantly improve, in a preventive way, the biological safety of indoor air in office buildings, geriatric centres, kindergartens and in general indoor buildings at risk of suffering from so-called sick building syndrome.

Subsidised by the Basque Government


Development of a point-of-care device (LegioPoC) based on molecular biology technology for the on-site preventive detection of Legionella spp. The LegioPoC device is an innovative alternative molecular system based on isothermal amplification. The main technological challenge will be how to adapt this technology to the lab-on-a-chip format.

Co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness

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