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Drug efficacy and characterisation

We offer a wide range of tests tailored to the needs of our customers for the research and development of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and products. For this purpose, we have state-of-the-art tools and equipment at our disposal.

We are able to support all stages of pharmaceutical development, from pre-clinical studies to clinical phases through in vitro and ex vivo physiological models:

  • Skin: Studies for the development and characterisation of products for topical use on human skin explants and reconstituted models. We work with healthy skin as well as with pathologies and lesions.
  • Digestive system: In vitro evaluations of the effect of stomach and intestinal digestive processes on an API. We determine absorption across the intestinal barrier.
  • Blood: Research into different blood populations in healthy individuals and those with pathologies. Analysis of the activity of compounds in the total blood population or in purified and/or differentiated subtypes.
  • Respiratory system: Studies of candidates in healthy or pathological human nasal/pulmonary epithelium. We evaluate the response of the epithelium to prolonged exposure to single or repeated doses of the products.
  • Central Nervous System: Product evaluation through modelling of human neurological pathologies and disorders in organoids. Assessment of the blood-brain barrier passage potential of APIs.

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