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Analytical Services 

We carry out the determination of molecules of interest (APIs, contaminants, metabolites…) using different techniques and equipment:

Liquid chromatography coupled to various detectors (HPLC/PDA/MS-MS)

  • PDA Photodiode Array
  • Fluorescence FL
  • Triple Quadrupole (MS-MS)

Gas chromatography (GC/FID/ECD/MS)

Determination of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds by gas chromatography coupled to various detectors:
– Flame Ionisation (FID)
– Electron Capture (ECD)
– Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Head Space autosampler for the analysis of volatile organic compounds and residual solvents

Ion Chromatography
Determination of anions in aqueous solutions: chlorides, fluorides, nitrites, nitrates, bromides, phosphates and sulphates

Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP/OES)
Determination of metals and cations by plasma atomic emission spectroscopy:
– Aqueous samples
– Saline samples
– Solid samples after digestion in acid solution in high-pressure microwaves

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